Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Green Hair dye!

To celebrate St Patrick's Day, Stardoll is giving every one free green hair dye!

To get this:
1. Log into stardoll
2. Paste this link in the URL address box:
3. Go to your Beauty Parlour and it will be in your makeup section!

Do you like it?


Monday, March 14, 2011

New Hotbuys Star Blouse released

New hotbuys top released in Starplaza. It costs 11sd (which I think is a bit expensive) and is for Superstars only.

Real life version:
Top by Miu Miu
Credit to Hotbuys Addicted for the real-life pic

What do you prefer, the Stardoll version or the real life one?
What do you think of the price?


I'm sorry!

I know I haven't posted a lot lately, because I am working on a new project. The person posting mostly has been Ess, and I so appreciate you doing it =]

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Greedy Stardoll?

I was just going through Superstar Giftcards and found something unfair. 
I find it ironic that there is a price difference. Why do I (a person from Australia) have to pay more than someone from the USA? 

The Australian Dollar is currently tranding 1.00036 US cents so the Giftcard price should be lower.

But why is the price so high? Simple - Stardoll is greedy.

What do you think of the prices?
Do you think it is fair?
Do you think Stardoll is greedy?
